Room parents support the teachers and students of Canyon Creek Elementary by helping with special classroom activities, including classroom parties and PTA special events. You are the liason between your teacher and your class families and the representative of PTA to your class. Your help is truly needed and appreciated by your teacher and your class families. 


Classes may have one room parent or co-room parents, based on the needs of the teacher and the availability of the room parent to devote to the expected responsibilities. 


room Parent Responsibilities:

Create a contact list (names and email addresses) for the parents in your class. The teacher will help you with this sensitive information.

Work with the teachers and the other room parents in your grade level to coordinate parties and activities. 


Reach out to the parents in your class and facilitate regular communication to :

-Recruit volunteers among the other parents in the classroom. Using google or sign-up genius for volunteer sign-ups is recommended since multiple classes work together on parties.

-Help collect donations for the "class parties fund" and a "teacher gift fund". Please ensure that you use all of the donated money by the end of the school year and do not carry over any since this money was given by CCE families to fund purchases for the current calendar year. 

-Recognize your teacher on special days, like birthdays and Teacher Appreciation Week.




Please keep ALL parent email addresses confidential!  When you need to send a classroom email, type your name in the “to” line and all the other parents’ names in the “bcc” line. 

You may use other forms of communication like WhatsApp or group texts, but all official messages from room parents should be communicated via email. 


Classroom Parties

The Teacher(s) will work with the Room Parent(s) to coordinate these events.

  • Winter Party  (in December on the last day of school before Winter break)
  • Valentine Party  (usually on February 14)
  • End of School Party  (takes place on the last day of school in May)

Room parents should meet and plan each party based on the teacher's recommendations and party plans. All classes in the same grade level have the same party. Usually classes take turns planning and making purchases for each party so that the workload is divided. Budget a specific amount for each party ahead so that you have enough left for the end of year party; this breakdown will look different for each grade.


Food considerations

For the three parties throughout the year, the minimal nutritional value requirements are waived. However, please note that some children have very serious food allergies. Please check with the teachers to determine which, if any, classrooms are nut free, or have other allergy sensitivities. It is encouraged that parties throughout the grade level remain the same from class to class; HOWEVER, for those students with allergies, we accommodate them as much as possible (for example, purchasing some gluten free cookies or cupcakes for those that need it).

Round Rock ISD requires that food be store bought only.  No homemade items please.


Do not feel like you have to do everything for your child’s class. Please communicate needs and information to the other parents in the classroom. Create sign up genius's for parents to volunteer during the class parties so that other parents can be involved. Ask for help and use your grade level team of room parents to share the load. 


Teacher Gifts

It is customary to give teachers a gift prior to the winter break, at the end of the school year and on their birthdays.  For teacher birthdays, just making them feel special (homemade cards from the students; a special lunch made/purchased by a parent; a favorite dessert brought in for the teacher; coffee or breakfast; etc.) is very special. 

Please contact Pam Kuss in the office to get a list of your Teacher Favorites and distribute this list to the parents in your class. 


Feel free to ask your teacher to add or update their list. Your teacher can resubmit this any time during the year; you may want to remind them to update it before important events like Teacher Appreciation Week. If your teacher has an amazon wish list you can share that as well. 

PTA Special Events 

Trunk or Treat:  Coordinate a trunk for your grade level for the teachers to host, only if they are interested.  

Friday Feast Lunches:
 Each grade level will host a Friday Feast for the teachers and staff. The Friday Feast lead will contact the room parents with details; your role will be to share the sign up list with your class for your grade-level feast and/or sign up to participate.



October 11, 2024             5th grade

November 1, 2024           4th grade

January 17, 2025             3rd grade

February 14, 2025           2nd grade

March 7, 2025                 1st grade

April 11, 2025                  kindergarten



Teacher Appreciation Week: May 5-9, 2025: Canyon Creek PTA will coordinate most of the school-wide celebration for the week. We will be asking room parents for certain tasks to be done to help support the efforts that will go into making the teachers and staff feel special all week long! You also may want to organize other small tokens of appreciation throughout the year for your teacher (ie. bring a cup of coffee or a sweet (store-bought) treat).


Upcoming CCE and PTA Events



Social Media

Join the Canyon Creek Elementary PTA facebook page.  This page is for CCE PTA members only.







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